Genskab El Bullis fantastiske univers i dit eget køkken!
Vi har de berømmede ingredienser, der var med til at gøre El Bulli til Verdens bedste restaurant. Lav ’kaviar’ eller andre sjove typer sfære i køkkenet. Vi har startkits.

Model: SK3019
Model: 12204

500g. Agar is extracted from red algae or seaweed and is used as a gelling agent. Can be used where you do not want animal-produced thickener. Also available for gel spaghetti. Can maintain shape up to 80 degrees

Model: CO-10507-50

Xantana is extracted from a fermentation of cereal starch with a bacterium (Xanthomonas campestris) found in cabbage. The result is a rubber with amazing thickening capabilities. It also has a remarkable potential as a "retainer", which means that it can retain an item at a given level in a liquid without sinking. It can also retain carbon dioxide.

Powdered. Soluble cold and hot. It can thicken alcohol. It is extremely resistant to freezing and thawing. Although it gets heated, it does not lose its thickening effect. Shake slowly and let it stand by itself and absorb liquid.

Procedure: Dissolve in aqueous medium 1-4 g / L with a rod blender.
Both cold and hot soluble. High thickening suspension capability.
Limited use in food. Maximum dose. in certain foods: 10 g / kg.

Model: CO-10514

Extracted from algae. Has an ability to gel with calcium. If you dissolve Algin in a liquid and immerse it in Calcic, a thin gelatin is formed around the liquid. These are called spheres or spheres. Can also be used for fake caviar.

Model: CO-10503
Sodium citrate. Extracted from citrus fruits and commonly used in the food industry to prevent the oxidation of vegetables and fruits.

It has an ability to reduce acid in the food and is needed to make spheres of high acidity.

Dissolves easily and reacts quickly.
Model: CO-10508

Made from the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. Gellan makes a solid gel which can be cut even at 90 degrees.

Fine powder. Lose its effect on contact with saline solutions.

Model: CO-10504

Maltodexin is a carbohydrate derived from corn molecules. It has a slightly sweetening effect but contains no calories.

Can be dissolved in both heat and cold. Connecting with oil and becoming solid. Cut out with a small glass or cookie sticker for festive and tasteful decorations.

One can e.g. to make olive oil powder that turns into olive oil when eaten. The same can be done with Nutella and make "snow" over its desserts. The powder is pressed through a fine mesh sieve.

In connection with water, the mixture is completely dissolved.

Model: CO-10514-50

Extracted from algae. Has an ability to gel with calcium. If you dissolve Algin in a liquid and immerse it in Calcic, a thin gelatin is formed around the liquid. These are called spheres or spheres. Can also be used for fake caviar.

Model: CO-10515-50

Calcium salt in high concentration and easily soluble. Used with Algin when making spherification.

Model: CO-10502-40

A natural soybean lecithin-based fabric that makes it possible to make foam of juice or other water-like agents.

Dissolves in cold liquid and whisk up. Also, emulsifies impossible sauces.

Model: CO-10508-40

Made from the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. Gellan makes a solid gel which can be cut even at 90 degrees.

Fine powder. Lose its effect on contact with saline solutions.

Model: CO-10525

Manitol has a low hygroscopicity, is non-moisturizing and can withstand a temperature of up to 400 ° C without tasting burnt. It has a low sweetening power (50-60%) relative to sucrose.
